Ionized water: Fact or Fiction

Ionized, alkaline water has been gaining a lot of attention in recent media. Water is water, so is it all hype or is there more than meets the eye?

People drinking it regularly report what appear to be ‘health miracles’ happening, while others who haven’t tried it say its a lie, and case closed.

The Research

Research began to study how people would respond to Ionized, Alkaline water.

Step 1: Searching for Ionized water on the web.

One of the first links that came up in the search engine when searching for ionized water was a site that claims that this kind of water is pure fiction.

In reading through the site, there are many contradictions. It’s clear that as the writer attempts to debunk alkaline water, he begins to debunk his own statements.

He states “Pure water (that is, water containing no dissolved ions) is too unconductive to undergo significant electrolysis by “water ionizer” devices.”

This is a very misleading statement. The fact is that tap water, which is used by most ionizers, has minerals, or dissolved ions, in it. This is how the water gets ionized and alkalized. By negation, it’s shown that tap water can be ionized, by explaining that “pure” water can not be. The website continues about ‘Pure water’, which we now know, by the sites definition of ‘pure’ water, is not what ionizers are using. Tap water, and certain reverse osmosis waters can be ionized.

The ‘debunking site’ site continues, “The idea that one must consume alkaline water to neutralize the effects of acidic foods is ridiculous; we get rid of excess acid by exhaling carbon dioxide“

Exhaling carbon dioxide is one way to get rid of excess acid. As a matter of fact, our breathing rate increases as we exercise to get rid of acid build up quicker. However, today we are overwhelmed with acids in our foods, in our air pollution, in our stress levels.

Conditions like Gout, Metabolic Acidosis, Cancers, and Diabetes are all linked to too much acidity and reportedly improved by going on an Alkaline diet. When a person develops a process called metabolic acidosis, they have become too acidic, and it’s dangerous. Self Help Guru, Tony Robbins discusses the importance of staying alkaline here:

The question remains whether Alkaline water can be helpful or not.

This site attempted to make statements about ionized water and lost us when they quoted Dr. Ray Kurzweil, a scientist considered the world expert in anti-aging and longevity. To summarize, the website stated at the time of this posting that Dr. Kurzweil is a brilliant and respected scientist, with the exception of his thoughts on Alkaline, ionized water being of great importance for maintaining optimal health. Dr. Kurweil thinks very highly of it, so why would he bring up someone considered to be one of the great minds of our time and just to mention he is wrong about the science of water?

What does Dr. Kurzweil have to say?  Read Dr. Kurzweil’s interview here.

Practitioners in the health care field, including Medical Doctors, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, Personal trainers, and Nutritionists are currently using ionized water for themselves and their patients. It’s difficult to know if its gaining acceptance because more health care practitioners are using it, or they are using it because it has already gained acceptance. It’s being mentioned in the media fairly often as well, such as here in this video and article from a Fox News affiliate in Miami.

Gradual recognition of people’s consistent anecdotal evidence or personal views on their health changes opened the door for our research. Today, it is difficult to find a scientific study by the for-profit industry without the funding company having input over the results. This is a reason that the FDA pulls new drugs off the market so regularly. This article discusses how statistics for drugs and vaccines are  “adjusted” so it looks like the drug is effective- Medical Journal The Lancet, or The pulling of a cholesterol drug in 40 countries.

Research began by looking on the internet for different types of ionizers and reports on their effects on overall health, including specific issues, anti-aging, and athletics or exercise.

Searching for “Ionized Alkaline water” led to something intriguing. Many of the results mentioned the word ‘scam’. However, clicking the links did not mention this, it simply led to ionizer websites praising some their own product and attacking competitors.

There were no comments from anyone stating that they drank ionized water and felt it was bad for them, with the exception of a few of the lower quality brands. On the other hand, almost all of the comments testified to how people regularly drinking this kind of water were feeling better than they had in years soon after they started to drink it. Negative comments were primarily vehemently opposed to this water calling the positive comments suckers for believing this had helped their conditions.

Why are so many people claiming this water has helped them from arthritis reduction, to normalizing blood sugar, to cholesterol to better skin and digestion? These machines aren’t cheap. So why are people spending their money on it?

One ionizer was mentioned on almost every website, including the websites of other brands. The brand was singled out so the other companies could state that their product was just as good for less money. It reminded me of the marketing strategy of placing a lower priced item next to a luxury item to give it more credibility, or a person taking pictures with a celebrity to gain credibility on their blog. Car companies do the same thing.

Delving further, we learned that the machine being compared, had been and is used in the hospitals in Japan for almost 40 years for its benefits. It also happens to be a certified medical device there. Is the Japanese healthcare system on to something? We know they are number 1 in health and lifespan and are considered the healthiest country in the world. While the USA has breast cancer rates of 1 in 7, Japans rate of breast cancer is 1 in 100,000. Statistics speak kindly on their health and lifestyle choices. Their medical device was the most expensive listed, and also the machine that every other brand compared themselves too. They did not mention any other brands on their website, but simply gave a warning to be careful of lower quality ionizers.

Doctors that use or endorse this ionizer’s type of water and recommend it to their patients, include Dr. Shinya, the Creator of the Non Invasive Polypectomy, Chief of Endoscopy at Beth Israel Hospital and Board member of Albert Einstein School of Medicine. We did not get an interview with Dr. Shinya, but did speak to an ionizer representative who was willing to let us sample the water for the month as a personal case study.

Often medical literature states that if you experience something that helps you heal and science has not yet published a study on it, then you imagined it, or experienced the Placebo Effect. The Placebo Effect is the name that is given to your healing ability, when science doesn’t understand it or doesn’t want to study it.

No study was needed to know that after drinking a few glasses of this water, I felt more mental clarity and more alert. It was like coffee without the jitters or come down. It tasted lighter and cleaner than tap water, reverse osmosis, or bottled water. Apparently due to this ionizer, which is used in many of the hospitals in Japan, turning the water molecules into smaller groupings, it can penetrate the cells very easily. I drank 3 12 oz. glasses during the demonstration. I didn’t feel full or bloated like I normally would with that much water.

The Demonstration:

The next step was to find out what made the water different than tap, bottled, reverse osmosis, or filtered water.

After reading renowned scientist, Ray Kurzweil’s, report on why this water is so important for health and longevity, it was important to see it first hand. To be fair, we brought water from a reverse osmosis system and a bottle of distilled water (which I found out doesn’t remain distilled if it’s in a plastic bottle for any long period of time. It leaches whatever is in the bottle, whether its BP-A(hormone disruptor), dioxin, or other petroleum based toxins.)

Visually, the demonstration was impressive. I didn’t expect it. I learned a lot about carbonated drinks. I knew soda was not good for human consumption, and now I believe it’s dangerous, very dangerous, Soda can cause health issues. Click the links to read about it.

My waters failed the tests. I watched a test using something called an ORP meter. It’s an electric probe that tests for anti-oxidants or oxidants (free radicals) in liquid. Ray Kurzweil talks about this in his interview. I learned that a cup of soda has about 500 Free Radicals, per millivolt. That translates to drinking a carcinogen. Free radicals lead to many of the degenerative diseases.

Sports drinks, vitamin enhanced waters, and seltzer were almost as bad. Bottled waters tested slightly acidic, but the one with added fluoride for kids was very acidic. The ionized water was quite the opposite. It had about 450 Anti-Oxidants per millivolt, about 10 times the amount of anti-oxidants than vitamin C. One cup of this water could neutralize almost all the free radicals in a cup of soda. I’ve heard estimates that a cigarette has a trillion free radicals in it. For someone who smoked for years, this could be a big break through in neutralizing the poisoning that may have been caused.

The PH test. The PH test used drops of a solution that changed color based on how much acidity or alkalinity is in something. They used a clear lemon lime flavor soda that we know so well in the USA. It was a pretty spectacular demonstration. The color turned orange. That was almost as acidic as it could get. Seltzer was also orange, though not as dark. Maybe there is something to this acidic issue. If too much acid causes acidosis, acid reflux, ulcers, and all cancerous tumors are acidic, as well as 90% of kidney stones, this is a significant finding. Although soda consumption appears to be on the decline, it’s still rampant and at some point in history there is speculation that it will be listed with cigarettes, BPA in plastic bottles, and DDT. The majority of Americans have at least one health issue, and while aging used to be a factor due to oxidation and free radical accumulation to break down the body, today it is happening no matter what the age. The trend is any people go on a macrobiotic alkaline diet when they are diagnosed with a terminal type of cancer to get their bodies back to balance., so why not alkaline water?

With all of the forms of medicine from natural medicine, where we take care of ourselves so we stay healthy, to typical FDA approved drugs, I was seeing something new in our country and something, in my opinion, with a lot of possibility.

In the book, Killing Cancer, Not People, Robert Wright devoted a whole chapter to this ionized, alkaline, micro-clustered water. Onhis website, he shows this video of ersonal coach to millions and motivational speaker, Tony Robbins, explaining the importance of being alkaline. Robert Wright goes a step further and explains that after his research he would only purchase one machine, even though it may cost more. Not surprisingly, it was the same machine that I was sampling the water from that was mentioned on all the sites, as well as the one used in the hospitals in Japan.

Placebo Effect

Could it be a Placebo Effect for everyone drinking it? A mass hysteria for doctors, athletes, and savvy people like Bill Gates. If it is, then placebo is something very important, because I started interviewing people who have been drinking this water. Each stated that they purchased their ionizer after drinking the water and recognizing what it did for them.

Looking further into other ionizer brands to get a fair comparison, we learned they were cheaper than the brand we were testing, however none would allow us to try the water without first buying. Not wanting to purchase it, and pay a restocking fee of about $500 to return it, we had no way for hands on testing. It came to our attention that the machine may have been nonreturnable either way if used in hard water that is over 14 TDS, or total dissolved solids, which is most of the country. The ionizer used in the Japanese hospitals had no such restriction. We also learned that many of the ionizers that we weren’t allowed to test were limited to producing 3 to 5 gallons a day.

Going over that number of gallons could void the warranty, even if it stated it was a lifetime warranty. Drinking it, cooking with it, and sharing it with others would easily go over 3 gallons a day and likely over 5 gallons. We are still unclear why that would void a warranty.

Who else drinks this water? NY Yankees players, Jillian Michaels, Steven Tyler, Bill Gates, Carlos Santana, Multiple MMA fighters and Pro Boxers, Sylvester Stallone, Dr. Corinne Allen uses it in her brain treatment center, and NFL player, Michael Robinson, talks about it in his Robinson Report series mentioning that he doesn’t get tired or sore when he plays on it.

To conclude, since drinking this water, our testing group noticed improvements in elimination and less constipation, decrease in acid reflux, more energy, less tiredness during the day, sleeping better, increased libido, and reduction in high blood pressure. The FDA has not, as far as we know, approved of ionized water for health benefits or any other reason. We make no claims that any of these changes are due to drinking ionized water.

UCLA Discovers That High Fructose Corn Syrup Makes You Less Smart

This is your brain on sugar: UCLA study shows high-fructose diet sabotages learning, memory. Not to worry, Omega 3’s can counteract the situation.

While earlier research has revealed how fructose harms the body through its role in diabetes, obesity and fatty liver, this study is the first to uncover how the sweetener influences the brain.

New findings on HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup), aka what is commonly referred to as sugar  in many foods show that you should avoid it if you value your thoughts, memories and concentration. To do that, you will have to read the labels on your food and beverages.

A new UCLA study is the first to show how a diet steadily high in fructose slows the brain, hampering memory and learning — and how omega-3 fatty acids can counteract the disruption. The peer-reviewed Journal of Physiology publishes the findings in its May 15 edition.

Read the study here:

Please Choose to be safe.

-Doctor Detox

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product or post is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Everything in this post is opinion based on research. Research gets changed, modified, updated and pulled from the market regularly. Researchers have been found to change their results based on financial gain or threats.  This post is informational and in no way should be taken as medical or health advice. Do your own research if you want to stay healthy or regain your health.  If a cut on your arm knows how to heal, the rest of your body does, as well. Be conscious of what you are doing. Think about people who text message while crossing the street. You’ve probably seen some near misses. It is dangerous and an example of not being conscious of what’s around you. If you eat a food and feel bad afterwords, or your child begins to have a fit or starts to hit his head on the floor after eating a colorful snack full of chemicals and colors, -be conscious- and realize its not good for him.

Big City Votes to Remove Fluoride from Municipal Water.

“I am quite convinced that water fluoridation, in a not-too-distant future, will be consigned to medical history.”
Dr. ARVID CARLSSON, Pharmacologist, Nobel Laureate in Physiology and Medicine, 2000.

With all the new developments in health around the world, why aren’t we hearing about them in the media? There now happens to be some attention being given to the Dangers of Fluoride and its discontinuance from the drinking waters in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Why do the majority of cities politicians fight to keep it? My opinion is that if they read the independent research showing its dangers (click here then it has to be the lobbyists paying their way to keep their job.

Why Albuquerque’s sudden change in procedure? The city says they have some natural Fluoride in their water and that’s good enough. The key word is natural, because the Fluoride that is added to ‘protect’ to water  to ‘protect’ our teeth is not natural at all.  Its actually sodium fluoride, sodium fluorosilicate, or fluorosilicic acid, all of which are highly-toxic, industrial waste byproducts with no scientifically demonstrable health benefits. 

Sadly, so many will not read this far, or if you did get up to this point, you might be saying that everyone knows its good for you and that’s why its in the water. Does everyone know, because everyone says it? Are you so sure that the experts are right? What if the experts work for the company that makes the Fluoride. Should we believe them automatically? Is your health or the health of the people you love worth checking into it yourself?  I’ve done some homework for you. check this link for answers.

Read the back of your toothpaste tube. Does it make sense that it warns you of how dangerous toothpaste is if swallowed? Why would I want that in my mouth? And can you control a preschooler who likes the taste? He may swallow it. Just because a child who swallows some Fluoride, but not enough to cause you to rush him to the hospital, doesn’t mean that its ok.

Fluoride made from industrial waste is a toxin. It damages bones and causes discoloration in teeth, which are very similar to bones.

We’ve been so led to believe that when its written in a medical journal, it must be safe. But look back at the post I did just days ago on the new realization by a pharmaceutical company that cancer studies on drugs were not reproducible. This means they don’t do what they claim to do. But they need to get new drugs, and new hope to the market. With the idea that a cure is on it’s way, it stops you from looking into how you can do things to get yourself back to a state of health.

Thankfully, there is a placebo effect. Its one of our greatest healing tools. Without it, dangerous drugs that could kill us, don’t, and its because we believe they are meant to help us.

More on the importance of the placebo coming soon.

Please Choose to be safe.

-Doctor Detox

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product or post is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Everything in this post is opinion based on research. Research gets changed, modified, updated and downdated regularly. Researchers have been found to change their results based on financial gain or threats.  This post is informational and in no way should be taken as medical or health advice. Do your own research if you want to stay healthy or regain your health.  If a cut on your arm knows how to heal, the rest of your body does, as well. Be conscious of what you are doing. Think about people who text message while crossing the street. You’ve probably seen some near misses. It is dangerous and an example of not being conscious of what’s around you. If you eat a food and feel bad afterwords, or your child begins to have a fit or starts to hit his head on the floor after eating a colorful snack full of chemicals and colors, -be conscious- and realize its not good for him.

New Study Shows That 88% of Cancer Studies are Not Reproducible.

What do you do when you find out that 88% of the research around cancer that was researched and then published in the best medical journals was wrong? What if the researchers and drug companies knew it was false data, but wanted to sell the drugs and procedures, so they made the researchers checking it signed confidentiality agreements so they couldn’t expose the fraud and name the faked studies?

Even Yahoo News picked up on this one.

The Amgen company did some research. They wanted to create new drugs, but they wanted them to be better than the ones already in use. They did the obvious thing.  They first went ahead and did studies on drugs and treatments for cancer that were already published in journals, so they could improve on these them.

Something surprising happened. They found out that only 6 out of 53 could be repeated. 47 out of 53 studies were unrepeatable. 88% were made up!  One scientist interviewed for one of the fraudulent studies confidentially told Amgen that they did get the result stated in the journal 1 time out of 6 attempts on the study he was involved in, so they went with that result.

When you can’t trust the studies, you have to do your own research and that research means finding out what has worked for others.  Do a web search and instead of simply searching for your health issue with the word cure next to it, try writing your health issue with the world cure and the name of another country. Canada, Mexico, Germany, Japan. You may be surprised at what you find.

For cancer, Insurance won’t cover this MD’s treatment’s, even though he is a medical doctor, but his documentary is worth watching to see how he does it. Watch the first 10 minutes then decide if its worth watching the rest. The Doctor’s name is one you may have already heard. It’s Burzynski.

I’ve been reading about alkalinity and cancer. One study showed that the more acidic a tumor is, the harder it is to treat. The more Alkaline it is, the easier it is to treat. Winthrop Hospital in Long Island has been using Hyperbaric Chamber therapy in conjunction with other cancer treatments and the word is that they are having great benefits. I believe, along with many other doctors and researchers, that it’s the Added Oxygen and Alkalinity in the body that is making the difference. Cancer is Anaerobic and lives in an acidic environment. Turn that around and give it the opposite and it loses its footing. Dr Otto Warburg also discovered that cancer feeds on sugar. He won a Nobel prize for his cancer discoveries. So if sugar feeds the process of cells becoming cancerous, we might want to consider cutting out the sugar. It makes me think of rats feeding off of a restaurant in the back alley. To get rid of the rats, stop dropping food on the floor.  Cancer is the rat. Sugar is the food.

Choose to be safe.

-Doctor Detox

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product or post is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Everything in this post is opinion based on research. Research gets changed, modified, updated and downdated regularly. Researchers have been found to change their results based on financial gain or threats.  This post is informational and in no way should be taken as medical or health advice. Do your own research if you want to stay healthy or regain your health.  If a cut on your arm knows how to heal, the rest of your body does, as well. Be conscious of what you are doing. Do not text while crossing the street. It is dangerous and an example of not being conscious of whats around you. If you eat a food and feel bad afterwords, or your child begins to have a fit or starts to hit his head on the floor after eating a colorful snack, -be conscious- and realize its not good for him.

How Sweet It Isn’t

In moderation everything is fine. Everything in moderation. Everything. Really? Ok, Maybe not everything.

What if eating spoiled food is done in moderation? Of course, you don’t want to do eat spoiled food; But the question is what’s wrong with spoiled food? What if the spoiled food you were eating in moderation, was put there without your knowledge? And whats wrong with eating spoiled food?  A quick summary:

Spoiled food is food that becomes inedible. It may have bacteria growth and it’s going to get you sick. If it has a sufficient bacteria growth, it will going to cause a reaction when ingested. It can be fever, stomach cramps, Diarrhea, dehydration, moodiness, death.

What if the food you are being served is spoiled and/or dangerous from the start? The expiration date hasn’t yet passed, but there are parts that are in the ingredients that may or may not be listed that cause the same reactions as spoiled food, and far worse. Due to the slow build up of these ‘minor’ ingredients in your food, you are gaining free radicals (carcinogens) in your body at an alarming rate. Free radicals cause degenerative disease. and cancer. (Be sure to read next weeks post on how Free Radicals work and how to beat them at their own game.)

So what are we talking about here?

Have you seen the new commercial for High Fructose Corn Syrup? It’s brilliant. A woman warns her friend about it, and the other woman says “what about it?” the warn-er hems and haws and doesn’t have any details on why it’s dangerous, so she just smirks and changes the subject.

Want to know what it does? Click this link: And why is something so popular changing its name to Corn Sugar?

Ever hear of Neotame? You may or you may not, because it doesn’t have to be listed on your food label. writes: Neotame is a chemical derivative of aspartame, and judging by the chemicals used in its manufacturing, it appears even more toxic than Aspartame, although the proponents of Neotame claim that increased toxicity is not a concern, because less of it is needed to achieve the desired effect.

If you thought, or suspected that Aspartame might be bad for you, here is a little more about Neotame. Its pretty close to Aspartame, but added is 3-dimethylbutyl, a very dangerous chemical. So dangerous, that even the FDA says its dangerous to ingest or handle.

I’m not recommending anyone does this, but with Nutrasweet and aspartame being freely available and no human trials available anywhere, I wonder why a good Samaritan hasn’t decided to mix 10 or 20 packets in a glass of water, drink and see what happens. I wouldn’t do it. I’m not saying I don’t trust that it’s safe. I just wouldn’t do it. And you shouldn’t either. But if you do, have a doctor at the ready and a video camera.

As for Neotame, would it calm your nerves if I let you know that there have been long term studies showing it is completely safe in humans? I hope it would,  so we are waiting to see those studies.

Learn the brands that work for you by asking those friendly folks in the local health food store. Neotame may not need to be listed, even in organic food, but health food store employees are usually well informed and not just doing it to have a job.

Choose to be safe.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product or post is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Everything in this post is opinion based on research. Research gets changed, modified, updated and downdated regularly. Researchers have been found to change their results based on financial gain or threats.  This post is informational and in no way should be taken as medical or health advice. Do your own research if you want to stay healthy or regain your health.  If a cut on your arm knows how to heal, the rest of your body does, as well. Be conscious of what you are doing. Do not text while crossing the street. That is an example of being unconscious. If you eat a food and feel bad afterwords, or your child begins to have a fit or starts to hit his head on the floor after eating a colorful snack, -be conscious- and realize its not good for him.

-Doctor Detox

Genetically Modified and Fried

Consider using only organic fruits and vegetables in your detox protocol or cleanses.  If you want to clean your system, use the things that go through you and nourish you. If you want to grab any old apple or banana to juice with for your cleanse, I’ve done some homework for you.

But first:

Are we behind the curve? While countries in Europe are banning genetically modified produce, where does the U.S. stand? We are all born with the same food needs, and in the most amazing country in the world, where a corporation can finance a lobbyist, health might go to the way side. Even in India, where the country refuses to have GM crops, there is one or 2 politicians saying ‘Come on, lets give it a shot.’ It goes back to follow the money.

Here’s more-

Following the anti-Monsanto activism launched by nations like France and Hungary, Poland has announced that it will launch a complete ban on growing  Monsanto’s  genetically modified strain MON810. The announcement, made by Agriculture Minister Marek Sawicki, sets yet another international standard against Monsanto’s genetically modified creations. In addition to being linked to a plethora health ailments, Sawicki says that the pollen originating from this GM strain may actually be devastating the already dwindling bee population.

More here:

Albert Einstein stated that when the Bee population dies off, mankind’s time is limited, and by limited, he meant a couple of years.   Remember, Bee’s pollinate crops, Animals and humans eat crops.  If crops die off, the bottom of what we call the ‘food chain’ is gone. We also lose the plants amazing ability to turn CO2 into oxygen for us to clean the air, and to protect the soil from erosion.

Plants were made to reproduce naturally. The power play is that Genetically Modified crops are made to die off after their cycle. The seeds terminate. New seeds are needed for the next year. These seeds must be purchased from the seller. Once these seeds are used, you will be sued if you want to grow organic again, because you may have a GM seed or more in your field.

Can you imagine if farmers had to buy new seeds every year, instead of saving the ones they have? What if the company that held the patent decided to raise the price once they had a monopoly. Its an understatement to say that it would be a bigger crises than the rise in the price of gas.

And a new study published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology has found that these new multi-trait GMO’s appear to be exponentially more harmful to humans than single-trait GMO’s because of their synergistic toxicity.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product or post is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Everything in this post is opinion based on research. Research gets changed, modified, updated and downdated regularly. Researchers have been found to change their results based on financial gain or threats.  This post is informational and in no way should be taken as medical or health advice. Do your own research if you want to stay healthy or regain your health.  If a cut on your arm knows how to heal, the rest of your body does, as well. Be conscious of what you are doing. Do not text while crossing the street. That is an example of being unconscious. If you eat a food and feel bad afterwords, or your child begins to have a fit or starts to hit his head on the floor after eating a colorful snack, -be conscious- and realize its not good for him.

-Doctor Detox